TX キーボードの kin25 は特許技術を導入し、Cherry クリップインの設計を改良し、ガタつきを最小限に抑え、ワイヤーの飛び出しを防ぎます (セットに付属の刺しストッパーを使用)。特許取得済みのデザインは、外側に POM、内側に TPU と POM の混合物を備えたダブルショット スタビライザー ステムを備えています。この混合物は、ワイヤーのガタつきやボトムアウトノイズを最小限に抑えるのに役立ちます。
PCB マウント、クリップイン、ANSI TKL および 60% レイアウトに十分。各セットには以下が含まれます:
Great set of stabilizers. Didn't have to tune much to fix the tick and smooth with krytox 205g2. Great set to pair with the cobalt switches in terms of colour.
These are high quality pcb mount stabilisers that require lube. Tolerances are tight and on par with durock v2s however they are not as tight as staebies which for many people is actually a good thing, because many people experience binding with staebies when the keycaps are not perfectly straight.
Unfortunately my set wasn't flawless as 2 of the stabilisers encountered ticking without holee mod, and one of them was the space bar. The wires are mostly straight, I'd say possibly straighter out of the box compared to durock v2s.
They are as smooth as durocks with lube(krytox 205g0) but without lube they are slightly more textured. (they sound better and cleaner imo when lubed compared to durocks that are also lubed)
I actually like how they are clip-in rather than screw-in because they were much easier to take on and off to tune.
In conclusion pick these up if you want something at the very least on par with durock v2s. (the stock availability of any of them stabilisers are hit or miss so get em while you can)
I always got made fun of at meetups for my terrible stabs but no more!! Cheers KnC for stocking these :))
One of the best, if not the best stabs on the market rightnow.
The items I ordered arrived quickly and effectively, no issues at all. I also loved the extra packet of gummy bears that came with the order too yum!